June 29, 2023

This breaks my heart

I didn't plan to send another note this week, but I got a heartbreaking reply to yesterday's email.

A product leader – we'll call her Tanisha – wrote and said:

Hi Phyl, your post today prodded me to write to you.

Then she explained how Never Search Alone helped her find a job.

I was laid off May 2022 and after a long struggle, I came across your book and linkedin group...and also found my next opportunity.


The work's exciting and the company values resonated.

Even better!

But, then she added this –

Today, after exactly 9 weeks, I was laid off as part of a large RIF.

Oh, no!

I am shocked and confused.

Of course you are, I said back to her.

Then I told her that her story broke my heart *and* that it was not the first time I'd heard something like this. This is way beyond her control – we are in a topsy-turvy economy, especially in tech.

Then, without skipping a beat, she said:

I will go back to your book, and apply to join another Job Search Council. Thank you for the good work you have been doing.

A surge of sad/happy electricity went through me as I read these words from Tanisha.

I'm sorry she is going through this – hard to imagine her level of anxiety, fear, and shock.

And, at the same time, I'm proud we have *all* built this community so Tanisha does not have to suffer – nor search – alone.
