Special Message for Government Employees

If you have taken the package offered by the government, left your job, or are thinking of leaving your job, you are *welcome* to our community.

We have created a private, free, volunteer-driven safety net for anyone laid off or let go – and that includes you who have served our country.

Sidebar: To learn more, you can watch a recent popular podcast, browse videos, read the FAQ, download the Kindle sample of the book, read testimonials, or look at Amazon reviews.

We were started by Phyl Terry and leaders of the tech industry during the recent tech downturn.

The response to our free program has been so strong and we have helped so many people that the volunteer team has decided to continue building this for years to come.

A Few Facts

Here are a few facts for you as a government employee looking for your next job:

1. Since 2022, we have helped more than 15,000 job seekers.

2. We have also launched more than 3,000 Job Search Councils (mutual support groups of fellow job seekers who provide emotional and practical support to each other during the otherwise lonely job search).

3. More than 75,000 hours of volunteer time have been invested into this community thus far.

4. The average duration of a Never Search Alone search is about 3 months (faster than the national average).

5. The program is funded through sales of the book, Never Search Alone – Phyl donates 100% of all book sales to the program (and puts in additional dollars as well).

6. We do require you to read the book, though you can borrow it from a library or a friend.

7. The program comes with a time-tested methodology, and a number of free resources – including free training, free Job Search Council, free Slack community, a robust set of free tools, a free recruiter network, a free bi-weekly LinkedIn Live program, free coaching frm moderator mentors (veteran JSC members who volunteer to coach moderators of new Councils), and more.

If you are ready to join, then fill out the application to be matched to a Job Search Council...

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